In The Zone, Vol. 1, No. 10

——————> IN THE ZONE <—————-
“Live In The Zone”
Vol. 1, No. 10 May, 2009
Todd Boyer, Editor
Rebecca Boyer, Editor
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In This Issue:
-From the Editors
-This Just In
-A Few Moments With: Dr. Jose Antonio
-Gym Bag: Biking
-Product Report: 10th Anniversary Taebo DVD
-On the Plate: Apples
This issue of IN THE ZONE is brought to you by:
At Large Nutrition
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nutritional supplements
New Features
Social networking is such a big part of the ‘net
now that if you are running any kind of business
you simply have to be taking advantage of it.
This thought has brought two new features to To begin, we are now on Twitter. If
you are also on Twitter, be sure to follow us,
We have also started blogging. This is great news
for you, the reader, as you get even more quality
content from us since we post even more articles.
There is a button on the top of the front page of
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FRS® Healthy Energy™
FRS Healthy Energy online at
On May 1, 2009 the Food and Drug Administration
(FDA) recalled all Hydroxycut products.
Hydroxycut is an ephedra-free dietary supplement
designed to help users lose weight.
Hydroxycut has been determined to be the cause of
death to one person. It has been linked to other
cases involving serious injury to the liver.
FREE Gym Bag
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Carry all your workout essentials!
A Few Moments With:
Dr. Jose “Joey” Antonio
Dr. Jose “Joey” Antonio earned his PhD in Muscle
Physiology at the University of Texas Southwestern.
He is a Certified Strength and Conditioning
Specialist (CSCS), the CEO and co-founder of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, the CSO
at Javalution, the sports nutritionist of the
Performance Ready Fitness Team, author of eight
published books, and co-host of the Performance
Nutrition Show.
Dr. Antonio, I appreciate you taking this time to
join us:
Why are supplements important to the average Joe?
If the average Joe’s goal is general fitness, then
I would suggest a multivitamin and a post-workout
protein shake. And that’s pretty much it.
How would somebody figure out what supplements
they should be taking?
It is always goal-dependent. For instance, if your
goal is to gain lean body mass, then creatine
clearly is a good choice. Caffeine is a great
choice for endurance athletes pre-workout too for
instance. Unless folks have a specific goal, then
it makes no sense to even talk about supplement
What is the most misunderstood supplement?
By far, it is protein. There are still academic
textbooks that claim eating a high protein diet is
bad for the kidneys. Second to protein is
creatine. Again, where folks get their info on
protein and creatine is beyond me. I’m convinced
people will believe what they want to believe,
scientific evidence notwithstanding.
Given the recent news about Alex Rodriguez, what
is your take on performance enhancing drugs in
professional sports, such as HGH?
I have no issue as to whether pro athletes take
any substance. It’s there bodies, they can do with
it what they want. The ultimate question is
whether the standard for pro athletes should apply
to the average person who just wants to get more
muscular. For an athlete to violate a rule of a
sport, even if the rule is silly, it is still a
violation of the rules. For a layperson to use HGH
(human growth hormone) is a different story.
Again, the question is this: Who owns our body? If
you answered ‘I do’ then clearly personal
responsibility is key.
You host the Performance Nutrition Show, are the
CEO of the ISSN, the CSO of Javalution, as well as
the nutritionist of the Performance Ready Team,
Where do you find the time?
LOL. I also teach at Florida Atlantic University
and Nova Southeastern University and manage
clinical trials for VPX. I like doing different
projects. It keeps my brain busy. Also, I think
the more you diversify yourself, the better off
you are in the long run. Don’t be a ‘one trick
pony’ as they say.
Who are your influences?
My greatest influences are my parents (of course)
and my graduate school professors. Outside of that,
I was a huge fan of Bruce Lee (his philosophies
are timeless) and I do a lot of non-science
reading (e.g. Thomas Sowell).
What advice should everyone follow?
folks say they’ll do something and never follow
through. You’re better off just not saying
What do you do to relax?
Watch my kids play little league softball (twin
daughters who are 8 yrs); I go outrigger paddling
off of Miami Beach quite a bit as well!
Favorite book/movie?
No favorite book, but my favorite fiction
writer/author is Vince Flynn. His main character
in his books remind me of 24′s Jack Bauer! I’m a
huge fan of 24 too. As far as movie? mmmm…as a
kid, Enter the Dragon (Bruce Lee) was my fave. I
like anything that involves the good guys beating
the bad guys. (Throw in some beautiful women in
the mix and you have an Oscar winner:))
Dr. Antonio, thank you for taking this time with
Be sure to visit Performance Nutrition Show,
Javalution, Performance Ready Fitness Team, and
Train like a champion
or just feel like one!
Downloadable training sessions
for your MP3 player
By: T. Boyer
Ever since we were kids, a bicycle was something
special. Back then, it was a symbol of freedom. As
adults, we are still looking for freedom. Only now
it is a freedom from being out of shape, unfit and overweight.
Biking is a fantastic form of exercise, whether it
is braving the streets of your city or town,
touring the paved trails at your favorite park, or
braving some off-road trails in the country.
The benefits of pedaling your way to better health
are pretty numerous. For instance, once the
initial equipment is purchased, there is little
further expense. Overall, riding a bike is low
impact, and will not be too hard on your body,
unless you fall. There is also the aspect of being
outdoors. When it is cold or wet outside, there is
no better time to be on a treadmill or stationary
bike. However, when it is nice out, there is not
much in this world that can top that feeling of
the wind in your face, and experiencing life.
Safety guidelines suggest that you cover your
melon when on a bike. Washboard abs are a mute
point if you are brain-dead. A proper helmet is a
very good idea to cover that bean.
Taebo Tenth Anniversary DVD
By: T. Boyer
I remember the first time that I used Taebo. My
mom gave them to me on VHS tape. It was a great
cardio workout that tested my coordination just as
much as my endurance.
Those tapes are long gone (as is the VHS player),
but I recently picked up a the tenth anniversary
copy of Taebo. Billy Blanks, the hyper-active
dude in the day glow colored shorts and tank top,
brings the heat once again.
The workout is basically an updated version of the
original. It think that I even recognized some of
the original people back for more punishment.
Look, Taebo is a fantastic way to train, and is
great for mixing up your cardio work. I highly
recommend that you grab yourself a copy of this
DVD, and see if you can keep up with Billy for the
entire session.
This month’s ON THE PLATE is brought to you by:
Shop for Starbucks Organic Coffees
Apples; Will one a day keep the doctor away?
Hardly, however it certainly could not hurt to
have one anyway.
Actually, in the grand scheme of things apples do
not contain much in the way of vitamins. Apples
are, nevertheless, a fantastic source of soluble
dietary fiber, such as pectin. Pectin may help
lower cholesterol, especially LDL, improve blood
sugars, and a number of other items that may ail
you. Keep in mind that you have to eat the skins
to make use of the Pectin.
Apples also contain antioxidants. These fight off
free radicals, which are essentially waste
produced by the body.
There are so many varieties of apples that I’m
sure that you will find one that suits your taste.
Apple Turkey Picadillo
Serving: 4
Extra Virgin Olive Oil – 2 tsp
Red onion, chopped – 1/3 cup
Tomato, chopped – 1 cup
Garlic, minced – 1 clove
Ground lean ground turkey – 8 oz
Cumin – 1/2 tsp
Oregano – 1/2 tsp
Cider Vinegar – 1 tbsp
Granny Smith apple, chopped – 1
Worcestershire sauce – 1/2 tsp
Green onion, chopped – 1/4 cup
Heat oil in a large skillet over a medium heat.
Cook the red onion and garlic until soft. Add in
the turkey and cook until lightly browned.
Add cumin and oregano. Salt & pepper to taste.
Stir in tomato and Worcestershire sauce, and
reduce heat. Simmer, stirring often to reduce
liquids to a glaze. Add in green onions and serve.
This is great served on a whole wheat tortilla,
and would be a wonderful way to top some brown
Calories: 180
Fat: 11.6 g
Saturated Fat – 2.3 g
Polyunsaturated Fat – 1.1 g
Monounsaturated Fat – 5.1 g
Carbohydrate 9.8 g
Protein: 11.8 g
Nutritional values calculated at
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————————————————- Todd Boyer, Editor
Rebecca Boyer, Editor
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